My Green Space: Barton Creek Greenbelt
So, one of my most beloved locations to get out to and just soak it in while simultaneously letting it all hang out is a green space in Austin called the Barton Creek Greenbelt - don't get me wrong, there are several greenbelts in Austin, but this one is just special to me. I've stomped it many times, at all hours - early morning, day time and even some moonlit speed hiking.
Some of the unique features are the limestone walls on either side that filter runoff water, causing the space to be as much as 10ºF cooler than the average ambient temperature and it can sport some beautiful blue green water when there's been a good amount of rain - alternatively it can provide a challenge dry creek bed hike, with nice river-worn stones that have a satisfying sound as you pass over them.
I've assembled a gallery below, after adding Corey Snyder's Fluidbox to this ghost-based blog. You can click on individual images now to zoom and then use arrow keys to navigate through them. Hope you enjoy!